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«My style is my life»

Tatiana Dogaeva, 59 y.o.
Of all human activities, creativity is the closest to a full life.

Photo: Ksenia Leus
Model: Tatiana Dogaeva
Everything interesting and important in the world is the result of creativity. In this life, probably only sex, sports, and religious ecstasy provide one with a sense of belonging to something great. Creativity also adds richness and fullness to our lives.

Our heroine, Tatiana Dogaeva, is a theater and movie actress, model, performer, "flower of the creative garden", and she is the person we are talking about today.

AE: Tatiana, there are so many facets to you! Where do you give of yourself most?

T: It's hard to say, since the beginning of my journey I have explored many professions. So if we're talking about a career, almost everything I have done, I've started from scratch and reached quite a high level. Whether it was directing, investing, real estate, hotel management or modeling. The main rule was that it had to be something I loved.

AE: Among women, it is customary to be silent about your age, but you need to shout about it! You are 59 years old, and you look amazing, what is your secret of youth?

T: I've been going at it a long way, maybe since I was 20. The most important thing I realized is that our beauty and youthfulness are directly related to loving ourselves, our thoughts and feelings, our bodies, every cell of it. The main thing is not to confuse it with "selfishness". In general, for me, the basis of life is: "Everything external is a reflection of my inner state."

AE: Let's talk about ageism.

T: As for ageism, I've never felt it on myself or in the company of the people I talk to. Whether you can call it luck, I don't know. I have a favorite quote by Marina Tsvetaeva on this subject: "No man has yet judged the sun for shining on another."

AE: What is natural aging to you?

T: For me natural aging is maturity, the transition to the next stage. This etymology seems very important to me: each word has its own energy component, if we say "to get thinner", it comes from the word "thin", but "slim" is a completely different meaning. And our brain, our cellular level, catches information in a different way. Be careful in your desires, make wishes correctly!

AE: What is your inspiration?

T: I can get inspiration from everything beautiful that surrounds me: nature, works of art, a child's smile. So first of all I look for inspiration in myself. My inspiration is what makes me happy.

AE: What do women lack after 50?

T: Acceptance of their age. My "acceptance" lasted for a long time; I read a lot of books, attended trainings. I still continue to do practices. It's a daily work in progress. Throughout all this time, I thank my body every morning and every evening.

In many ways, of course, studying at the GOLDENAGE School of age modeling helped me a lot. It was a kind of start. Then I took part in a catwalk project RUNWAY. This project's mission is to unite people of different ages and give them an opportunity to create.

At the same time I was, and I am still practicing the Japanese art of butoh (theater ODDANCE). It's about expressing feelings and emotions. It's an exploration of the irrational body. It teaches you to immerse yourself and feel with your body the passage of time, the change of atmosphere. It's a kind of encounter with its dark somewhere frightening side. In the dance, I see that part, accept it, and rebirth it into something third. It's an amazing feeling.

AE: What about sexuality?

T: If a woman is desirable and sexy first and foremost to herself, she will be desirable and sexy to others — that is my firm belief.

The ability to be open and receptive to the world, to the people around you and to yourself helps you to achieve great results in life. A person open to the world perceives everything that happens to him as an opportunity for development, while a closed person, under the same circumstances, may not notice the opportunities.

Thank you, Tatiana, for the opportunity to feel that the story doesn't end with the age, on the contrary, it adds new colors to the palette called "life".

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