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Hepl project

If you have a dream, make it your goal.

Mironova Maria, 53 y.o.

What does it mean to say, "The most important thing is that I accept myself"?
— This means, first of all, to stop dismissing yourself, your image in the mirror, and to realize that everything you've been given is all yours and you can successfully use it.

You have your body, you have your face, given to you by your parents along with your life. Accept this gift with joy and gratitude and improve it if necessary.
Gait, posture, style, manner in society and alone with yourself. Choose for yourself all that is pleasant and natural for you. And every day you will increase your love for yourself and inner harmony.
About love for yourself and inner harmony with Mironova Marina
AA: Marina, you've been in dentistry for over 30 years. A dental technician is a bit of a jeweler, a bit of a designer, a bit of a physicist and a bit of a psychologist. You mentioned that your vocation equals hobby, is that true?

Marina: A wise man once said: if you can call your hobby your work, you are a happy man. I love modeling teeth, I can spend hours doing it, it's a meditation for me. And if a work task is challenging, it's a pleasure. When I see the result of my work in the patient's mouth and he is happy, it is a double pleasure.

AA:Your secrets to youth?

Marina: My secrets of youth have long been invented not by me: yoga, nutrition, daily body care, complete absence of the following excuses: tired, no time. It's hard work on myself, but it's enjoyable.

I neither fanatically follow any proper diet, nor do I exhaust myself in gyms. Every morning at 6.30 I am already on the mat (of course, like all people sometimes have absences). I never go to bed with makeup on, as getting older I've started taking regular body health check-ups.

When there is love for yourself, it's all in good fun.

AA: Every person has some kind of outlet since childhood that gives meaning to any "useless" day. What is yours?

Marina: I'm driving home after a weekday, snow is falling from the sky, the highways are a mess, traffic is tough, I'm tired, some other problems need to be solved. And then I remember that now I will open the door, and my dog will meet me, my sweet cookie, and it does not depend on my looks, the mood I am in and my absence. This miracle runs dancing with a slipper or a toy in his teeth and moans from the joy of seeing me!

Here at this life stage this is my outlet. I recommend to everyone: get to have pets, there is nothing in the world cleaner, brighter, more pleasant than these emotions they give us, simply because they love us wholeheartedly.

AA: How do you feel about natural aging?

Marina: Personally, my position about gray hair, it does not suit me and makes me look older, I look sloppy. This is just about myself and my feelings.

But if there are women who are comfortable with gray hair, then why not, it's their choice. And natural aging is just a physiological process, that should also be felt as a pleasure.
As Coco Chanel said, "You don't have to strive to look younger than your years, you have to look good for your age!"
AA: Please share an interesting life story.

Marina: Funny stories are happening to me and the main thing here is to be able to laugh at yourself.

It was about 5 years ago, in autumn.
After a hard work day I was changing clothes in the locker room.
In the preface it should be said that I had been invited by my colleagues to a banquet, which I refused for personal reasons.
And here I go out into the common room, and my colleague comes out behind me, a man from his half of the men's locker room, I stand with my back to him at the mirror for my lipstick:
- "Marina, sorry" (well, I think, now he will start useless persuasion and arguments in favor of the banquet) and then a pause and suppressed laughter.
Being absolutely sure of my perfect appearance, I turn around and get puzzled.
My colleague could not say anything, only by his looking below my back I realized that something was wrong, he flew out with a red face and laughter.
And then I realize that part of the wide skirt is tucked in the back of the tights....
I laughed for a long time afterward.

AA: Amazing self-confidence! What do Russian women lack after 50?

Marina: Girls of my generation and "soviet" upbringing lack self-love, we were brought up that way. "Do you really want to live for your own enjoyment?!" as some wrong motto accompanied many women and girls.

And generally speaking, old age is a privilege of the chosen few, one should be happy that life goes on... just be happy with the little things.

AA: Looking far ahead, what do you see the picture of your life as when you're 90?

Marina: If I'm in a state of mind at 90, I'd like to see a movie like this:
"I'm wearing linen white pants and shirt, sitting in a wicker chair by the ocean, white sand, and there's a one-story white house with blue shutters behind me. My husband and son and his wife, my adult grandchildren with their babies, 2 dogs, a Labrador and a Chihuahua, are next to me.
I have a glass of wine in my hand and am laughing at a joke my son just told me."

AA: Amazing! Where do you draw such energy and love for life from?

Marina: Energy must come from something, there must be a mechanism for it. For me it is sleep, high-quality relaxation (massage, nature, an interesting movie, communication with intelligent people, studying, reading books) and definitely my goals and their achievement.

AA: Let's talk about the aesthetics of age. In your opinion, does it exist and in what is it manifested?

Marina: At 40, life is just beginning, I know that for sure now....
By my years I have the financial ability and desire to look the way I like, I have my own view of aesthetics, I have it manifested in beautiful clothes, good perfume, manicured hands and feet. For me, the aesthetics of age equals a well-groomed woman.

AA: Can we always be allowed to be ourselves or do we still have to play a role at some point?

Marina: Sure, let you be yourself.
But I'm always a bit of an actress. All women are a bit of an actress: and how to persuade a husband to some heroic deeds, and to make friends laugh?
And another point: how not to hide my nasty mood, and what is the fault of the people who should accept me in such a mood due to some circumstances? So I'm also playing...

AA: What kind of person would you like to go out to dinner with?

Marina: I'd like to go to dinner with one person, he is not a celebrity, but very much influenced my life in a certain period. He is alive, lives in Germany, our communication was interrupted many years ago. But if it happens, I'd like to share with him the achievements I've made in this life and how proud I am of myself.

AA: What is your life philosophy?

Marina: Both good and bad things pass, for sure, you should remember it, as in the fairy tale: the morning is wiser than the evening.
Don't keep bad memories, don't be afraid of the future, live in the present, here and now. LATER=never, every second of my life, your life is a value that can not be returned!!!!!

I will always be changing, transforming, which means there will be different roles. Nothing is impossible if there is a strong desire.
Now I have a desire to try myself as an age model, I am open to communication, ready to learn and share what I can.

If a person loves his/her age, he/she enjoys living it, accepting and giving to others all the most valuable things that are in this life part.

After all, the meaning of our life is in joy and harmony of inner and outer worlds. And at any age we can give something of spiritual and valuable to people around us. This is attention and smiles, kind words and deeds.

Charming Marina's photo story was created by::

Producer — Ksenia Leus
Editor — Gaya Rishart

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