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How to become a model after 55 y.o.

Elena Kutyrina

It's simple - just decide to change your life and become not only smart, but also very beautiful!

Find a modeling agency school enrollment for training after the age of 45. Do not run away from the interview because of the manic question in your head: where are you again carried? Come to the first lesson with this question and realize that you are not alone and try to socialize in this unfamiliar and incomprehensible environment.

The modeling industry has never been the most developed sector, even in the best of times, and right now, it seems like it’s really quieted down. No matter how much people talk about the space for older models and plus-size models, those are just exceptions. Even over "on that West" where the market is doing fairly well, unconventional models make up only about 1% of what you see on the runway. I hear more whispers from the younger generation, fainting in existential disbelief, saying things like, “Can you believe she’s still alive and trying to pose?” Older models are still considered exotic. In the West, at least there's a somewhat positive attitude towards them, but here in our country, there's often an aggressive response from both genders. Thank goodness we only have two genders—otherwise, I’d be totally confused trying to understand the reasons behind such anger and negativity towards choosing a lifestyle after 50.

And yes, modeling is a gamea for young people, no matter how much we might want to hear otherwise. Why, you might ask? From the perspective of designers, it's simpler — there’s no need for so many fittings, you don’t have to take into account the individual figure features, and let's face it, youth is beautiful in itself. And in our still masculine society, where youth and beauty are synonymous, a woman over 45 is considered to be used material, making it very difficult, if not practically impossible, for us to realize ourselves.

Yet I hoped that only newly minted so-called models found themselves in a situation of complete obsolescence. I consoled myself with the hope that our renowned and well-known mature models live differently. I remained in this illusion until I met those who have long been in the industry.
Rescue of those who are drowning is the responsibility of those who are drowning themselves. This age-old motivational principle has led me to a logical conclusion: either I accept this or I stop even considering modeling in my "carefree youth". Right now, there are so many designers cashing in on people like us, and a plethora of questionable local shows featuring unclear personalities. But again, some people enjoy it. I don’t want to offend or judge anyone; everyone has their own opinion and, consequently, their own attitude towards what’s happening.

After wandering through many social circles, I decided that I would find photographers, stylists, and makeup artists for myself in order to obtain photos that I consider beautiful and stylish. Yes, you have to go through all of this; you determine in the process what works for you and what doesn’t. We start acquiring skills only through experience, and the more you get photographed and walk the runway, the more professional you become. Modeling is just like muscle memory, similar to any physical exercise.

I'm lucky to have met a large number of wonderful people, and I got to know the Aesthetics of Age team. They have been working on age-related themes for more than 7 years, focusing a lot on public relations and social media, and they know how to collaborate with models of our age.
For a successful photoshoot, a professional team is essential. The model is part of that team. Success depends on everyone, including the overall atmosphere on set. A model must convey emotion; this is also acting. That emotion is shaped by the concept, clothing, makeup, lighting, and music. For me, the most important person on set is the photographer.

In our modeling school, we were taught acting skills; it makes up a third of the time spent on training. This is what I was talking about—about EMOTIONS. I remember an intensive acting workshop with my beloved Olga; she tried to explain the interaction on set: if an actor "sticks" to the director, they instinctively understand what the director wants from them without words. For me, this expression sounded like confirmation of my long-held conclusions—perhaps I’m too much of a materialist, and creativity isn't my strongest suit.

I realized the significance of what Olya told me only while working on set with a photographer. For me, a photographer is a director, and when I "stick" (don't take this the wrong way, it's about mentality ☺) to them, I get stunning photographs.
I love working with young people;
I enjoy the way they think, see,
and feel differently
It's interesting for me to engage with them. I may not always immediately accept how they perceive things or what they want from me, but this kind of interaction, where I accept their opinions and they accept mine, yields great results.
A vivid example of this is Ksenia Leus. I will never forget our battles before the session, my internal resistance during the selection of images, even though I was the one who asked her to change the established clichés regarding older models when they immediately dress you in an unimaginable evening gown, and even if you weren't a youthful-looking grandmother, you automatically become one.

Based on my tiny experience, I can say that agencies that churn out models of all ages and types without discrimination because it's a great source of income don't warn that casting calls are for models aged 17 to 35. And that is why now organizations of 3-10 people try to create some kind of show, to which usually unrequested celebrities are invited, while the models pay organizational fees along with designers and organizers. As a result, the show only takes place for the participants themselves, their relatives, and the friends they invite. There are now numerous models released by agencies in recent years, and there are plenty of people to charge fees from, which adds up to a small gathering, and I think the income is the main purpose of this event.
As long as our business, which offers products for women, is stuck with a limited budget or imagination, believing that a 25-year-old girl can advertise an anti-wrinkle cream, and completely denying that women over 50 want, can, and still live, forget about the fact that modeling will bring you money.

An artist who wants to paint and cannot live without it will not abandon their calling just because it doesn’t currently bring in money. They live for their paintings and feelings in the moment they create them. If you enjoy modeling, if it gives you pleasure, energy, and makes you feel happy on the runway and during photoshoots, then go for it. Don’t wait for anything, try it, and explore. Maybe this is just what you can allow for yourself, beloved. Our desires shape our life, and only we can make it fulfilling and happy. And when I finally decide that it's time for me to retire around 90, my friend and I will sit on the terrace with glasses of wine and reminisce about how we lit up the last 25 years.
Producer, photo and style — Ksenia Leus

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