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The key to self-acceptance is not comparing yourself to others

Elena Mon, 60 y.o.

Model: Elena Mon
Beauty is the embodiment of everything that is wonderful in the world, something that makes you feel amazed and fascinated. This can be nature, art, architecture and, of course, people.

Dostoyevsky once stated: "Beauty shall save the world". But what is beauty for a human being? Is it just the fulfilment of an ideal?

We may look at the same thing all together and yet see it in very different ways. A beauty is like an unsolved riddle, created by nature, created by man.

The true female beauty has always been admired and worshiped by males at all times. It caused cruel bloody battles, noble deeds and feats.

Our heroine has charmed us with her beauty, grace, contentment, optimism, fire in her eyes. She is sure to charm you as well.
Model: Elena Mon
АА: Elena, let's start with the most delicious and interesting of beauty secrets, shall we?

Elena: First of all, it is most likely due to genetics and a lucky encounter with very talented and related people!!! I'll let you in on a secret, I do have my favorite beautician and a natural-born surgeon! And no matter what the critics of human nature interference would say, for the rest of my days I will be thanking the Universe for meeting them!

AA: In that case, how do you feel about grey hair?

Elena: I love my gray hair!!! It gives me time and comfort as well as tons of compliments, even from little kids!

AA: How did you accept your age?

Elena: I didn't even notice when this beautiful and exciting stage of my life had begun! I have become more free, I accept and get to know myself, I allow myself more than before and take the best and the most out of each and every new day!!!! I feel loved, desired, damn sexy and above all free from mental abuse. I got rid of all the ghosts of the past... I am living in the present! My emotions and rizz are off the charts!!!
Model: Elena Mon
AA: We also know that your getting divorced is a new chapter in your life. Tell us about it.

Elena: Well, there's nothing new. It's the same for all of us. But one BUT... After divorce, many women tend to think that they are unable to be content without a man... It's such a utopia... Do not engage in self-criticism... Do not hold on to the past... Start listening to your heart and start writing a new story of your life... After all, life is just beginning... Dream of beautiful future or positive present... Take a look at yourself in the mirror and say: "Thank you that I have you!". You are Unique!!!

AA: Does such a beautiful woman have hobbies?

Elena: I am passionate about the most meditative of artistic crafts... I create fantastic jewellery from natural stones and Swarovski crystals! I always get amazed when a whole and harmonious piece of jewellery is born out of small disparate beads!!! And I have also realised that the symbiosis "Woman - Jewellery" is luxurious and unique... Jewellery is not only necessary, it is as essential as air to breathe life into each other and complement with each other!!!!
Model: Elena Mon
AA: Let's talk about the aesthetics of age. In your opinion, does it exist and what does it express itself in?

Elena: Aesthetics of age is sure to be found in loving yourself, taking care of yourself, realising the years you have lived and the fact that you are living your own life, not someone else's... You are being new, interesting, passionate... you are very different!!! And you are able and willing to share this wealth with those who are close to you in spirit!

AA: What do Russian women after 50 lack? What advice can you give to women who are afraid to grow old?

Elena: Growing old is inevitable and it is desirable to accept it with gratitude! Years are passing, and the less time we have to live, the more we should thank the Universe for each new day, and realise how wonderful it is to live here and now!!!

Don't waste your life on something unnecessary and empty... Find a hobby that brings pleasure... Dance, sing, jump and laugh due to high emotions, flirt... Generally do what you used to deny and couldn't afford for any reason... And smile... to yourself and inside yourself... With all your skin! Fill yourself with positivity!!! Allow yourself to be pampered!!!!
Model: Elena Mon
AA: Where do you draw your energy and love of life from?

Elena: Energy is all around us! I could go on and on. It is in the air that surrounds us... in our morning coffee, in the clouds floating in the sky, in meeting nice people and in the fact that you can live the way you want and feel!!!!

AA: Can we always allow ourselves to be ourselves or is there still a role to play?

Elena: Life is quite temporary and teaches us to manoeuvre in circumstances... And of course you need to be a virtuoso to be able to adjust to the modern rhythm of life and to new unforeseen scenarios... And we are certainly helped with this by the experience of the years we have lived.

AA: Which person would you like to go out for dinner with?

Elena: Definitely Liliya Rakh!!!! For me she is the standard of female charisma, intelligence, nobility, sensuality, refined femininity and good manners!!!!
My philosophy is simple... One should stay on the side of the light in all circumstances.
Model: Elena Mon
AA: Please share your feminine wisdom and advice with our female readers.

Elena: I'm not going to give any tips... I'll just say that to make life remarkable, you should learn to take notice of your life!!!! And of course you should have dreams, even if at first glance your dreams seem impossible. When your dreams become more powerful than your fears, they will start to come true! Stay loyal to yourself and live your life in such a way that everyone around you is dazzled by you!!!!
I really feel like I am within a step of what is destined for me! Hugs to everyone and best wishes for easy Wings!!! Be happy in spite of everything!!!
Photo story of the stunning Elena was created by:

Producer — Ksenia Leus
Editor — Gaya Rishart
Photographer — Natalia Shotova
Make-up — Alena Chorba

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